President of The Galien Foundation. Founder of the Jerusalem Ethics Forum
Mr. Cohen is based in New York City and leads the Galien Foundation whose mission is to support scientific research and innovation in order to improve the human condition. The Foundation is the first platform where humanitarians and innovators at the forefront of biomedical research come together to honor the highest achievements.
For 30 years (1988-2018), Mr. Cohen was the chairman of the Health communications Group, Regimedia, which pioneered (in 1994) telemedicine, using the world’s first remote heart rate monitoring system.
Since 1999, Mr. Cohen has also dedicated his efforts to promoting the “Prix Galien”, considered worldwide as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for the life sciences industry. In this he was aided and abetted by the late Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize. The Galien Foundation aligns itself with international movements that promote access to health care and public health policies that serve the greatest number.
In 2019, Cohen created the Jerusalem Ethics Forum, which aims to bring together thought leaders in a universal humanistic approach to address ethical issues of the 21st century. This is an important part of helping highly marginalized populations access healthcare.
Mr. Bruno Cohen was bestowed the title of « Officier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’honneur » of the French Republic {Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor}.